Friday, December 9, 2011

If I could fly, I would still drive.

There is nothing better then a road trip. Even if you are only driving 3 hours into the middle of Pennsylvania to go see your friends and you have an excuse to wear a fancy dress, that seems good enough for me.

The decorating and getting ready, that's all well and good. But there is nothing like drinking is a pretty dress, gorgeous heels, feeling beautiful, and having no one to impress but yourself when you look in the mirror.

I mean I like it. I don't know about anyone else though. :)

So if I could give you advice; it would be to take a road trip, long or short, as often as humanly possibly. Your friends will love you and your family will thank you.

Xoxo Meila

P.S. - I would not suggest eating fast food if you are going on a long trip. Instead, pack a healthy sandwich that won't make you feel the need to... Stop at a rest area. If you catch my drift. Hence my sad face. Especially if you don't like stopping to begin with.

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