1. faith and religion
2. weddings
3. my family
Let's start with number 1. So not too long ago, a very good friend of mine and I had a heated debate over faith and religion. Yet, it ended up being a huge misunderstanding. He thought I sent him out of my room (that's right, i kicked him out) because he was Agnostic and I am a Christian. False. I sent him out of my room because he completely shut down my beliefs and said I was wrong. To be honest, as a realist... there is a chance of none of the Bible being real and God not existing. I do love science and everything it stands for. As a Christian and personally someone who has been spared from Death (personally I think it's a miracle sometimes that I'm alive), I firmly believe in God. I also read the Bible and wear a cross around my neck. Never (and I mean NEVER) have I shut down someone's beliefs. I have a lot of friends that believe in a lot of different things. I don't think anyone should be one particular faith, it's just important that you have faith. If everyone believed in the same thing the world wouldn't have such great diversity. I understand being faithful and fighting for your beliefs, like I said earlier.. if anyone tries to put them down I will fight you. What I had to get him to understand was that my mind was open and I was listening, but that didn't mean it would change what I believe in. He didn't believe me when I told him I was an Atheist for quite sometime. Or Agnostic... To be honest I didn't believe that there was anything that could make my life so miserable.. but he brought me back. The cross I wear isn't just a symbol of my faith... but a reminder. That sacrifices need to be made in life for good things to happen. I can't wait for my tattoo.
2. Weddings. No, I'm not ready to get married. I'll give it 2 years at the least, but it can even be longer than that lol. I don't know if it's marriage season or what, but everywhere I go there is something that has to do with weddings!! Like, what the hell is up with that?? First, Say Yes to the Dress was on for the like, I don't know... 3 hours. Then, I'm cleaning my room and I find a bridal magazine I had from a WHILE ago when one of my best friends and I decided to look at dresses for the fun of it cause we were both recovering from breakups. It gave us hope that there was still someone out there. Between you and me, I think I just might have found that person... but don't tell him. I don't want to freak him out lol.
I don't understand why that freaks guys out anyway. To be honest, I think they think about it just as much as us! But of course, they will never admit that... because they are men... and thinking about marriage would be waaay too feminine lol
Right... back on track. So then tonight I'm flipping through the channels and what's on but 27 Dresses!! Of course it is lol. Needless to say, whether I wanted to not... I've been thinking about marriage almost nonstop for about a week. This needs to end. Now. I'm too young to be thinking about this... though I will divulge this. I'm excited to get married... and I hope that it is to the person I have in mind. :)
3. My parents had a large fight today in the afternoon. This is what I come home from college to. They do a pretty good job of not arguing in front of my sister. Sh'es mentally challenged and emotionally disturbed... so yeah, not arguing in front of her is a good thing. I do love how my parents see fighting as just a way of life though. They are fine after about an hour and then they go back to being a normal couple. I can tell they still love each other... which is a great thing to see. There is a point in time when I was in high school when the family was definitely splitting up. I didn't know where we were gonna live or if I would have to change schools... but my parents figured it out. I think because they made it so that divorce wasn't an option. My sister is actually my half sister. We share my father, but have different mom's. Not going to lie, my mom was and still is more a mother to her than her real mom ever will be... but I'll leave that for another date. So these thoughts about my family came into my mind when I was sitting with my dad watching Modern Marvels on the History channel... and meandering around the streets of Russel, New Zealand on Google Maps. It seems to be his new place of fascination. I could tell it meant a lot to him for me to sit with him, considering I'm never home anymore... and when I am... I don't spend a lot of time with my family. I feel bad... but I also feel it's for the best. I know when I was home for an entire semester (due to my awesome illness) my mom and I fought constantly. That's because we were always together, but when I'm away, we are the best of friends. No joke! I tell her everything. People tell me their secrets all the time... not going to lie I am a very trustworthy person, but when they tell me something I'm not going to go around the school and spread the news! So what do I do? I tell my mom lol. I know she'll keep my secret and she has no judgments. I truly love her. I guess what I'm trying to say is.... Family, I love and adore you and even if I don't always show it, I truly cherish you.
Well, that's all I got for now. I need to Skype with the boy before he goes to bed. Goodnight all.
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