I went to NYC yesterday with my mom for a music thing... You'll read a bit about that below... but here are some photos for those just come to look at the photos.

hey everyone. sorry its taken me so long to write here. i was so busy and then when i tried to write it just wasn't happening.
by the way... if you can imagine this... i'm typing with only my right hand due to the fact that my left is holding a warm towel up to my right eye. i have a sty unfortunately.
Ah, both hands! Back to business then. So far my plan to lose weight is failing drastically. While the site that I actually use is fantastic and does work... every time I lose a significant amount of weight... I have to go back on steroids. You know what steroids do? They make you eat like a Pregnant Woman! Not only do u crave strange foods and strange food combinations, you also have these cravings at alllll houuuuuurrrrrsssss. Needless to say I lost 8 lbs (YAY) and then gained it back (boooo). So I am about to start on my endeaver yet again. starting today. WISH ME LUCK!!
Yesterday, while I was sitting in the hospital, I wrote a blog that I figured I would put on here for all of you to read... enjoy.
The automatic stapler in this waiting room is everything
it shouldn't be in a waiting room... Loud and Startling.
Like the people in the waiting room have a need to jump
out of their seats every time the receptionist needs to staple
a few papers together. Currently, I'm reading Eat Pray Love
by Elizabeth Gilbert. So far, I've been quite happy with it.
Though, that may not mean much considering I've only
read the introduction. She starts out by explaining where
the idea for the Catholic Rosary came from, the Hindus.
How joyfully and sadly ironic that is. Joyful that it is just
further proof that we are all connected one way or another
in our faiths. Sad, that it is still the cause of war in most
countries. Maybe they should this book too then =P.
Wow. That automatic stapler is way too scary for
any office, especially a medical waiting room.
So, I'm currently with my mom at ***** in the city.
There are so many voices going through my ears right
not. So many different conversations its hard to
concentrate on just one. 2 guys in front of me look
like the love children of Daughtry and Korn. Their music
is probably bangin' though, so I'm gonna let it slide. (Low
and behold, their song was loved by all.) 1 guy wearing glasses
and a red white and blue flannel looks like a dad who wouldn't
know modern music if it hit him in the face. Those are usually
the best though. (This guys ended up being a manager.) The
ones that don't look the part are usually amazing at the part.
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