I'm sitting here watching my pledge sister wash our kitchen floor.. makes me feel bad that I can't do anything to help her, but there is not much I can do about that. I have the hips and bones of an 80 year old woman, no disrespect to my elderly peeps though.
Of course every night the same three things happen, and no watching my roommate clean is not one of them.
1. I video chat with my wonderful boyfriend, The Boy.
2. I watch Phineas & Ferb on Disney Channel
3. I get a nonchalant "hi" from my ex boyfriend, let's call him Don.
Oh how I do love my roommate. Her witty remarks are as necessary as the sun, you need it to survive. She was thinking of naming my other ex "Jerk" but quickly changed to "Jebadiah" lol. I would say its the bleach getting to her, but I know for sure she came out this way at birth.
Back to my nightly events. So my boyfriend, what to say about him. Been seeing him for almost a year and I couldn't be happier. Needless to say he isn't perfect, but I love him none the less. Sorry single guys. Phineas and Ferb is my all-time favorite cartoon. I only wish I could have done those things during my summer vacation. For those who haven't seen it, you should. You really should. And as for my ex...
Yeah I'm just gonna start a whole new paragraph for that one. I think the only reason he still sends me that "hi" is because he is truly lonely. We dated for almost 3 years from 8th grade to high school. of course, back then when we broke up I thought it was the end of the world and I didn't see any hope of me moving on. Of course I did, but how else is a 14 year old supposed to feel when she breaks up with her first love. As my best friend puts it, we are far too alike to be compatible. We would fight like it was the last fight we'd ever have on earth. Scary too. But we were both stubborn as hell, so I don't know what else we should have expected. Thankfully though we knew one day we'd be friends again because we were best friends for 6 months before we started dating.. and fell in love with each other before we started dating. That's certainly something you only find in the movies. But our conversations now are short, and have no substance, unless we are face to face.
Face to face conversation. Now there is something that is lacking in this world today. I try to do have it as much as possible.
Right. Don. Well, of course there will always be a place in my heart for him. He was my first love. I think my boyfriend lucked out personally. He didn't have to go through the strain of high school heartbreak, lucky bastard. But this is our conversations.... to a tee:
Don: hi
Me: hey
Don: how are you doing
Me: good, u?
Don: alive
If that isn't a cry for friendship I don't know what is. Pretty boring though if you ask me and if I ever want to get something out of him.. you know, like real life happenings? I just don't get it. If anyone has any advice on how to handle this, let me know. Keep in mind, I'm a nice person.
It's almost 12 and I'm driving around Delaware to try and find awesome places to take photos. If anyone has ideas, also let me know =).