Saturday, December 29, 2012

Cake Pop Adventures!!

Oh how I love the holidays. Other then family & friends, I'm am (selfishly) a fan of gifts. Here me out before you get judgey.

I'm the biggest giver come Holiday Season. Everyone at least gets a card. If we are close you get something awesome, just ask my friend Alex. I got him a beer mug with his FACE painted on it! Courtesy of Gina M of Crystal Peace Studios. (Side note: her work is amazing and she is the nicest person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting on thus far.)

One thing I got for Christmas from someone special was a Bella Cake Pop and Donut Hole Maker! I couldn't be happier. I have been looking for something like this for so long! Now, I'm not a profession baker or anything, you'll believe me when you see the photos, but a good old fashion girl who likes to spend quality time in the kitchen. I also love taking photos so here we are.

My Journey begins...

I used just a typical Betty Crocker yellow cake box mix & yes, that is my polka apron I have on. Thanks for noticing =).

They turned out amazing, but it did take a few batches to finally get ones I didn't have to throw out. At first my mom and I figured we could just give them little icing hats, but as we're not at great at icing... they were just dollops on top of cake pops.

So, there sat a lonely bag of dark chocolate chips.. and there came our idea.

So we dunked the ones we had left into the lake of melted chocolate & when we ran out of cake pops to dunk, that's when the real creativity started. Give two women a fondue pot of chocolate and just watch the magic happen!

We ran out of things to dunk so on came the home made Peanut Butter Cups! (my mom's favorite by the way.)

I only have one word of advice if you make these at home... make them much much smaller! We had to split one and still couldn't finish it because it was rich! #toomuchfood

Enjoy your snowy Saturday!

xoxo, Meila

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