Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Snowman Soup!!
I woke up this morning with piles of clothes on my floor and the over whelming feeling of "I'm leaving on vacation tomorrow and my packing skills seem to be lacking because nothing is packed yet it's all over the floor." This happens every time I go somewhere.
After I scarfed down my pita bread and mango and lime salsa for breakfast (I know, probably not the best choice, but it seemed right at the time) I felt I needed something more winter-e.
Dave's mom gave me this adorable little package for Christmas so I'd thought I'd put it to good use.
Here are the ingredients so you can make some yourself.
It's also a great stocking stuffer and kids will love it if you want to make it as a craft for Christmas.
xoxo Meila
P.S. I assure you that it is absolutely delicious.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Discovery Channel in IRL
I made an amazing discovery. that ginger powder and cream cheese on whole wheat pita bread tastes soooooo good! I had a similar discovery about 2 years ago. I got really sick so my doctor put me on steroids. No, not the kind that gives you a mustache and huge muscles... the medical kind lol. Unfortunately, one of the symptoms is that it gives you cravings like a pregnant woman. Fortunately for me I could still eat sushi.
So there I was. Sitting in my kitchen. I had eaten my sushi so fast that I still had left over wasabi and ginger leaves. I wanted to eat them still so I decided to put them on crackers. I took one bite and wanted to puke. I realized then why you paired them with something.
As I looked along the shelves in my fridge I was Philadelphia Whipped Cream Cheese and a lightbulb went off in my head. I made two separate snacks. Crackers + cream cheese + wasabi ... and ... crackers + cream cheese + ginger leaves. The latter was my favorite. It was awesome.
Enjoy a great snack idea over the holidays.
xoxo Meila
P.S. I may or may not be posting for the next week as I'll be on vacation. But I will have my phone so I'm sure I can squeeze in a few photos and posts about my vacation.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
I Tried... Now I Smell
If you read my self summary on the right side there, I said I try to do something new every day. I have to admit that I haven't quite kept my promises.
Today, I was thinking about this so I decided to try something new. That brought on the curry. I've heard about curry and always wanted to try it, but apparently it smells, or actually makes you smell.
I went to the Hale and Hearty right by where my appointment is today and they had Curried Chicken Chowder. It was so amazing. Not kidding. I could go back right now and eat a large bowl. Maybe I'll take it with me for the train ride home from New York.
Long story short: Mission accomplished.
Feel free to try some at your nearest Hale and Healthy.
No this is not a commercial.
xoxo Meila
Today, I was thinking about this so I decided to try something new. That brought on the curry. I've heard about curry and always wanted to try it, but apparently it smells, or actually makes you smell.
I went to the Hale and Hearty right by where my appointment is today and they had Curried Chicken Chowder. It was so amazing. Not kidding. I could go back right now and eat a large bowl. Maybe I'll take it with me for the train ride home from New York.
Long story short: Mission accomplished.
Feel free to try some at your nearest Hale and Healthy.
No this is not a commercial.
xoxo Meila
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Present Wrapping
Ah. The joys of Christmas. Lighting the Christmas tree, seeing the snow fall, having hot cocoa by a fire place.
None of that will be happening for me this Christmas. Not that I'm complaining by any means. I'll be getting my tan on.
One thing that never changes wherever you are, wrapping presents. It's great when you get the perfectly square box and the perfect amount of paper, but what about everything else? Have you ever tried wrapping a candle? Fail. You can try to make it look like a giant candy thing with ribbons on either side, but all that's going to get you is a torn present where they can already tell what it is.
Like I said: Fail.
So as I procrastinate from wrapping presents I will instead join my friends for a beer tasting at the local brewery. Yup. That sounds about right.
xoxo Meila
Friday, December 9, 2011
If I could fly, I would still drive.
There is nothing better then a road trip. Even if you are only driving 3 hours into the middle of Pennsylvania to go see your friends and you have an excuse to wear a fancy dress, that seems good enough for me.
The decorating and getting ready, that's all well and good. But there is nothing like drinking is a pretty dress, gorgeous heels, feeling beautiful, and having no one to impress but yourself when you look in the mirror.
I mean I like it. I don't know about anyone else though. :)
So if I could give you advice; it would be to take a road trip, long or short, as often as humanly possibly. Your friends will love you and your family will thank you.
Xoxo Meila
P.S. - I would not suggest eating fast food if you are going on a long trip. Instead, pack a healthy sandwich that won't make you feel the need to... Stop at a rest area. If you catch my drift. Hence my sad face. Especially if you don't like stopping to begin with.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Working Out Woes
No matter how hard I try, I've noticed that working out is never as good as when you're in a gym. You think to yourself, "Well, I'm already here and wasted gas to get to this building with machines in it so I might as well use them." Then, when you get inside you don't want to make yourself look like an idiot so you pretend like you're actually working out... which in turn causes you to actually work out.
Long story short, I'm going to Key West for the Holidays and I need to get back to that bikini body I had in the summer. The problem: it's December and my body is saying, "Umm... what do you think you're doing? It's freaking cold outside and I just had hot chocolate. I worked hard for you for those 3 months of beautifully warm weather and now it's my time. I know you think you're about to work out... but you're not. You're going to get that mat out to the living room and then stretch for an hour."
I'm glad I know what my body would say if it had a mouth... other then the one run by me.
ANYWAY. So I've been meaning to workout all day and then I came upon this picture and said... "If this banana can do it, I can do it."
So here I am blogging about how I'm going to workout... while I'm not working out. I'm stretching. On the yoga mat in my living room.
xoxo Meila
P.S. I found this picture here. =)
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Go Go Gadget... Camera Arm!!
I'm on a mission to find cute things and take pictures of them. Since Thanksgiving I haven't taken many photos and I feel as though I should... or have myself an adventure. One of those adventures is applying to internships, but I'm going to need to have a goal at the end of all that to drive me to do them and actually finish them. Let's be honest... no one likes paper work.
Here's my idea for inspiration. I'm already getting a pedicure with my friend Meghan tonight so I'm thinking I can look for something to put on my little piggies. Actually, to be frank, they are not very little. I was born with swimmers feet. They aren't gigantor or anything... just long lol. You catch my drift.
If anyone has any ideas for cute pedicures let me know. Also, keep in mind... I'm going to the Florida Keys for the holidays. I'm thinking fun colors are a must.
xoxo Meila
P.S. - Kudos to my pledge sister, Kera, for taking this picture of it. I'm ironically in everything favorite. Shirt, shoes, jeggings, and of course my camera.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Netflix Doodles
I was always jealous of people who could doodle. Well, ok, let me rephrase. Everyone can doodle. I'm jealous of people who can doodle and doodle well. As many times as I have tried I always just ended up with checkers all over my pages. This was also, almost always, in math class. Math just never sat right with me unfortunately.
ANYWAY. I was on Stumble Upon (.com) and came across this blog that featured doodles on Netflix packages. Pure genius.
I wonder if the owner of Netflix wanted people to do this and therefore said, "Make the package as plain as possible. I want to see if anyone draws on it."
If so, thats awesome.
xoxo Meila
ANYWAY. I was on Stumble Upon (.com) and came across this blog that featured doodles on Netflix packages. Pure genius.
I wonder if the owner of Netflix wanted people to do this and therefore said, "Make the package as plain as possible. I want to see if anyone draws on it."
If so, thats awesome.
xoxo Meila
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Ring Box
With Christmas just around the corner, I've been making gifts upon homemade gifts for all of my loved ones. I Wanted to take a break and making something for me. I was cleaning off my dresser and organizing it and realized I needed some boxes.
I have a jewelry tree, but there is only place for earring and necklaces... so where am I supposed to put my rings?
I love my rings. They needed a home.
I went to Michaels and got myself a 4x5 cardboard box, cute letter stickers, key decals, and navy spray paint.
I was very impressed when Dave set me up a little work shop in his garage to spray paint, considering I was making something girly, but it was nice to have his help.
First I painted the top and bottom of the box over newspaper. I chose not to spray paint the insides because I didn't want anything to get on the rings just in case.
I let them sit for about 2 hours then put on a second coat and that's when I let it sit for the night.
In the morning... it was dry, but it was very much stuck to the newspaper and I realized my coat might have been a little heavy, so be careful of that.
After carefully peelings the lid and box off the paper I used sandpaper to clean up the edges as well as give it kind of that, antique feel.
The easiest part was placing my pearl letter stickers and keys. They fit quite nicely on my dresser top =). I know I'm happy. Spruce up yours to meet your personal style.
Next project? The letter "E".
xoxo Meila
P.S. - Apologies for the iPhone photo... my camera is in my Jeep and I just didn't have the energy to go outside today lol.
Crafting Has Taken Over
Taken over my bed anyway. As I'm sitting here in the the string of Christmas lights and candles I am impressed at the amount of projects I have spread out.
Pros to crafting:
1. It's cheaper then getting the whole gift itself.
2. It's absolutely a creative outlet that can still be a hobby. (Photography used to be that for me until I went into the business.)
3. Your recipients know that work went into it.. and you didn't just spend some money to get christmas shopping over with.
Cons to crafting:
1. It takes patience and time depending on the craft.
2. It does cost money, unless you borrow from your basement and attic.
3. You have to be a least creative.
If anyone has any crafts they think I should try, then let me know and I'll get to it.
Pros to crafting:
1. It's cheaper then getting the whole gift itself.
2. It's absolutely a creative outlet that can still be a hobby. (Photography used to be that for me until I went into the business.)
3. Your recipients know that work went into it.. and you didn't just spend some money to get christmas shopping over with.
Cons to crafting:
1. It takes patience and time depending on the craft.
2. It does cost money, unless you borrow from your basement and attic.
3. You have to be a least creative.
If anyone has any crafts they think I should try, then let me know and I'll get to it.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Rainy Day Song
It's a rainy Day so I was looking for fun craft ideas, since I'd be inside all day. Among all the crafting and DIY blogs there was a post with this song. It's Concrete Wall by Zee Avi. She looks nothing like I expected, but her voice is beautiful and perfect for this Rainy day. =)
This song I found on a blog that, unfortunately, I can't seem to locate. I promise the next time I come across it I will post. =)
xoxo Meila
Thursday, August 18, 2011
The New York City skyline is unlike anything you can fully describe. It's not something you can compare, you can only feel the city for itself. Maybe it is the fact that I live in a town where the stars always clear and the only light pollution is a full moon; but there is something magical about a place like this. When you are in it, you are in a world of dreamers who have goals that some would see as crazy and pathetic. Me? I think it's fantastic. Yet, if you stand behind the water and look across you will see more than a city. The sky is protected by a layer of clouds that cast a purple hue across the dreamers world. The stars may not be in the sky, but if you look below the clouds you will see that they have simply fallen into place in the pattern of a skyline.
That is my city.
That is my city.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Men in Bars: The downfall to getting dolled up and looking good.
Something to think about.
It's funny when you go out to a bar and you get hit on. I've realized that sometimes no matter what you say there is no stopping it. If you say, "I have a boyfriend" they will most likely not care and start questioning you on how strong your relationship really is. If you tell them you are engaged, they will then engage you in a conversation about why marriage never works; unless you're married to someone like them. If you say, "I don't dance." they might come back with a witty remark such as "I bet you do in bed." and it is those very moments when you simply have to say, "Please get over yourself. I'm not interested."
Just some insight for the ladies.
It's funny when you go out to a bar and you get hit on. I've realized that sometimes no matter what you say there is no stopping it. If you say, "I have a boyfriend" they will most likely not care and start questioning you on how strong your relationship really is. If you tell them you are engaged, they will then engage you in a conversation about why marriage never works; unless you're married to someone like them. If you say, "I don't dance." they might come back with a witty remark such as "I bet you do in bed." and it is those very moments when you simply have to say, "Please get over yourself. I'm not interested."
Just some insight for the ladies.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Easy A
Sorry I haven't written in a while everybody. I must say I feel as though that has been the start to every entry this summer. Between working at camp and trying to keep contact between all the people in my life, I've had little time for me. Today I had to take a sick day, I won't say why... to protect the innocent... but let's just say I drank something bad. No, it was not alcohol. So I decided to watch Easy A, since I am on bed arrest.
There are certainly things that have been standing out to me and have crossed my mind while watching this movie. I thought I'd share them with you.
WARNING: If you have NOT seen this movie I would suggest watching it first before reading the following.
Things I have noticed:
1. I really do look like Emma Stone, just like everyone says. I have been wanting to dye my hair a dark red, but this fact is swaying my decision.
2. You should definitely be open with your kids from the beginning if they are adopted. Then it won't be so awkward when you make jokes.
3. It's funny that losing ur virginity is high school is so terribly, but once you cross that line in college it's shocking if you haven't yet.
4. Every girl's dream really is to relive an 80's movie.... or at least mine is.
5. Bad decisions usually do have ironic outcomes.
6. I still have yet to walk into a high school where anyone (even the school slut) is wearing 5 inch hooker heels... this goes for Pretty Little Liars too... it just doesn't happen.
7. I have no idea what "the orient" is... and yet I feel like I should because I went to CCD.
8. If we went on a date and you gave me a $200 dollar gift card to the Home Depot, it certainly would not mean that you would be getting... any... but you definitely would get brownie points. I love projects lol.
9. I'm definitly still waiting for my John Cusak to stand outside my window with a boom box playing our song.
10. Whoever came up with the credits scene and illustration... freakin' genius.
11. The couple at the end most likely won't last until marriage, but they will have a good ride and stay friends, but who knows... there is an exception to every rule.
There are certainly things that have been standing out to me and have crossed my mind while watching this movie. I thought I'd share them with you.
WARNING: If you have NOT seen this movie I would suggest watching it first before reading the following.
Things I have noticed:
1. I really do look like Emma Stone, just like everyone says. I have been wanting to dye my hair a dark red, but this fact is swaying my decision.
2. You should definitely be open with your kids from the beginning if they are adopted. Then it won't be so awkward when you make jokes.
3. It's funny that losing ur virginity is high school is so terribly, but once you cross that line in college it's shocking if you haven't yet.
4. Every girl's dream really is to relive an 80's movie.... or at least mine is.
5. Bad decisions usually do have ironic outcomes.
6. I still have yet to walk into a high school where anyone (even the school slut) is wearing 5 inch hooker heels... this goes for Pretty Little Liars too... it just doesn't happen.
7. I have no idea what "the orient" is... and yet I feel like I should because I went to CCD.
8. If we went on a date and you gave me a $200 dollar gift card to the Home Depot, it certainly would not mean that you would be getting... any... but you definitely would get brownie points. I love projects lol.
9. I'm definitly still waiting for my John Cusak to stand outside my window with a boom box playing our song.
10. Whoever came up with the credits scene and illustration... freakin' genius.
11. The couple at the end most likely won't last until marriage, but they will have a good ride and stay friends, but who knows... there is an exception to every rule.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Dave's Birthday
As I was stuck home, (I was supposed to be in Delaware seeing my sorority sister graduate), I got up enough energy to go to a birthday party. I figured I could stand around and be slightly social.
Last night was so much fun. There was a bit of drama, but I had a good laugh at it.
Dave had a good amount to drink which his roommates were fully to blame, and maybe me for one.
I must say though, the ice shot glasses were impressive.
He was looking quite chipper this morning though...

There were a lot of people there, good music, and a damn good time.
Hope I see more like that this summer.
Last night was so much fun. There was a bit of drama, but I had a good laugh at it.
Dave had a good amount to drink which his roommates were fully to blame, and maybe me for one.
I must say though, the ice shot glasses were impressive.
He was looking quite chipper this morning though...

There were a lot of people there, good music, and a damn good time.
Hope I see more like that this summer.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Good Morning, Sunshine!
This morning I woke up with the sun. For what reason, I'm not all that certain. Today is baking day and let me tell you, it is going to be interesting.
I asked the help of one of my bests, Brittany, but she is either M.I.A. or still sleeping. I'll go with the latter.
My baking adventure consists on making three different kinds of of cupcakes.
1. Beer and Vanilla cupcakes w/ Jameson Cream Cheese frosting for Dave. (Birthday)
2. Earl Grey tea cupcakes w/ vanilla frosting for the Nana (Mother's Day)
3. Carrot Cupcakes w/ Cream Cheese frosting for my Mom (Mother's Day)
I'd like to give a shout out to FoodGawker for giving me these recipes and my friend Erin, owner of Daisy Cakes.
Don't worry you will be updated when all of this is done and many pictures have been taken =).
Love, Meila
Britt showed up. My second suggestion was correct. We are here baking and listening to life in the fast lane think we are.. how some would say... Bad-Ass. I feel it.
The beer cupcakes were wayyy too big, but turned out fantastic.
The Jameson Cream Cheese icing turned out even better.

The carrot cupcakes are the next ones up to bat.
The carrots themselves are taking quite a bit of time.
I do believe they turned out alright tho, they seem to be a big hit with the family. =)

The Earl Grey Cupcakes didn't happen. I'll have to wait for another day.
Happy Mothers Day.
I asked the help of one of my bests, Brittany, but she is either M.I.A. or still sleeping. I'll go with the latter.
My baking adventure consists on making three different kinds of of cupcakes.
1. Beer and Vanilla cupcakes w/ Jameson Cream Cheese frosting for Dave. (Birthday)
2. Earl Grey tea cupcakes w/ vanilla frosting for the Nana (Mother's Day)
3. Carrot Cupcakes w/ Cream Cheese frosting for my Mom (Mother's Day)
I'd like to give a shout out to FoodGawker for giving me these recipes and my friend Erin, owner of Daisy Cakes.
Don't worry you will be updated when all of this is done and many pictures have been taken =).
Love, Meila
Britt showed up. My second suggestion was correct. We are here baking and listening to life in the fast lane think we are.. how some would say... Bad-Ass. I feel it.
The beer cupcakes were wayyy too big, but turned out fantastic.
The Jameson Cream Cheese icing turned out even better.
The carrot cupcakes are the next ones up to bat.
The carrots themselves are taking quite a bit of time.
I do believe they turned out alright tho, they seem to be a big hit with the family. =)

The Earl Grey Cupcakes didn't happen. I'll have to wait for another day.
Happy Mothers Day.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Coffee Cleanse
Being home has really been good for me so far. I feel like I need to go somewhere and be away from anything that has technology in it; except for my camera of course.
I have a new rule in my life and that is bringing my camera absolutely everywhere I go. While the pictures may not be profession material, I still think it's working. I'm taking pictures of everything from my food, to my friends, and my drinks lol.

The bad part of the summer? I realized that I am going through coffee with-drawl from having it every day the past three weeks of this semester.
Guess coffee runs with friends are good for something.
I have a new rule in my life and that is bringing my camera absolutely everywhere I go. While the pictures may not be profession material, I still think it's working. I'm taking pictures of everything from my food, to my friends, and my drinks lol.

The bad part of the summer? I realized that I am going through coffee with-drawl from having it every day the past three weeks of this semester.
Guess coffee runs with friends are good for something.
Monday, April 25, 2011
So, Johns Hopkins has agreed to schedule me for an appointment so they can do tests and try to figure out what is going on with me. I'm overwhelmed with happiness right now. This is just one more step on going back to my normal self...
OK. Rephrase that. Going back to not having to worry about my health every second of the day.
Don't worry, I'll be keeping y'all posted.
Maybe this will be my chance to finally get a tan, that is is they let me out =P.
<3 Meila.
OK. Rephrase that. Going back to not having to worry about my health every second of the day.
Don't worry, I'll be keeping y'all posted.
Maybe this will be my chance to finally get a tan, that is is they let me out =P.
<3 Meila.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Personal Essay
I'm taking a leap of faith and posting my personal essay on here. I had to write it for my Journalism class. Read and enjoy.
Emilie Milcarek
April 19, 2011
Personal Essay
Sitting in a wheelchair in front of a window watching the fireworks over Dorney Park is not how I imagined my Fourth of July.
Some friends of mine stopped by the hospital to say hello, but I really wish they didn’t. They all told me the same thing, “We wish you could come with us.” Yeah, me too. I would love to be sitting on the beach tonight next to a cute guy by a bon fire watching the fireworks above us in Long Beach Island, N.J., but I’m sorry I can’t make it. I’ll be busy with my new friends, the nurses and staff on the night shift.
The only friends who stayed with me that night was my mom and all the stuffed animals I received from my work and my sorority.
On the outside, I didn’t want anyone to stay with me. I wanted them to have a good time. I’m not one to hold anyone back. On the inside I was a mess. I was angry and upset that my friends still went on vacation even though I couldn’t go. How dare they. Yet, that’s not me. What is this feeling coming over me? I’m resentful of everyone. No one else is this position. No one.
It’s an odd feeling not being able to feel my legs, but it’s not so bad now that I’m used to it. When you’ve been in the hospital for almost a week it’s easy to forget why you’re here. I’ve made good friends with the night time staff, mostly because they are always nicer than the day time crew. Even so, all the doctors know my name, and I it might be a while until I can take a real shower.
These medications drain me. I’ve been on them since I got here. They keep trying different ones and only one painkiller works – if you can call it working. It has taken the edge off and has allowed me to sleep, but that is all. I wake up from my Percocet-induced nap and I’m holding my stomach and screaming for help. Why is someone ripping through my insides and pulling them apart. Am I dreaming? I’m alone. No one is touching me.
The nurses finally come in, pull up my sleeve, and open the clear tunnel that leads from the outside right into my vein. I feel the cold liquid flowing through me like a metallic stream. My body gets the chills and I’m no longer screaming. I notice my mom holding my hand, but the look on her face is like none I’ve ever seen. This can’t be good.
My mom told me I’ve received three calls and eight text messages from my friends and family and asks if I want to hear them. I’m OK though. I already know what they say. Not to mention I would rather be able to read them myself and text back with my own hands rather than my mother’s.
I am thankful for my mom. She hasn’t left my side since we’ve been here. I really wish this wasn’t happening. Not for me, but for her. If I was the only person to suffer through this predicament I could deal with it. I could suck it up and deal with it. I hate how it is affecting my mom. Every time she looks at me lying helplessly in this bed she wants to cry. It takes all my energy to make a wisecrack about some crazy nurse just to make her smile.
I’ve been in the hospital for 11 days and I still cannot feel or move my legs. When I try to sit up it is deadweight below the waist. I’m finally thankful for all those years of cheerleading and gymnastics because my arm muscles haven’t dwindled much. My arms and hands gained back feeling a few days ago. My legs have to come back soon.
Being home is harder then I imagined. We moved my room down to the main level with no bed, just a mattress. It is so hard just to get up. This is so frustrating! Why is it so hard for me to take a few simple steps and get myself a glass of water? Every time I need something I have to ask my mom. I know she doesn’t mind, but she has work to do. Living with my handicapped sister is hard enough as it is.
They put me in physical therapy to get me back to where I was. I doubted the idea when I first heard about it, but I went along with it just so I could get out of the house.
Not knowing is probably the hardest part. I wish I knew. Hell, I wish they knew. No one knows why these episodes keep happening to me and, quite frankly, I’m annoyed. They are doctors. That is their job to figure it out. So why can’t they do anything? They just treat the symptoms.
Finally! I’m back where I need to be. I can stretch and move and go up and down stairs! Granted I’m pretty slow, but it’s a step, right? I’ll be back at Wesley College in no time.
I just started working out and now I’m back in the hospital for the second time. This is not OK. Why am I here? I have to get ready for school. I’m leaving in five days!
My mom came into my room only three days after I got back into the hospital. Her effort to hold back the tears wasn’t going so well. As she took a seat next to me I could tell she had bad news. Two more doctors followed after her and then one of my nurses.
They told me I wasn’t going back to school. I needed to be treated and to rest.
I could do that at school, right? I can relax while I’m at school and still get my work done. I want to graduate next year. I want to be around my friends. I can’t just stay home and do nothing. I.... I.... I don’t think I have a choice in the matter.
I left the hospital in a wheelchair seven days after that, but soon returned.
This recurring nightmare is now happening for the third time.
I suppose it’s a good thing, considering I’m supposed to be at school now, but I’m home instead. This hospital seems to be my new home. I’ve already had three of the same nurses I’ve had before and the doctors were expecting me when my mom called the hospital and told them I was having another attack.
That’s what we’re calling it now, an attack. Makes it sound so violent. It sucks, yes, but not violent. Maybe it is. I don’t know what to think any more. The days are blending together and hours pass so slowly. All I do is sleep until the doctors and nurses come and check on me.
Why are there so many people in my room? All of them in white coats looking at me like I’m a puppy in a cardboard box. I’m not as active as I should be. Every person asks me the same questions and gets mad when my mom answers for me. I don’t even know most of the answers.
They have me on so many medications that are flowing through my body so frequently that my head is in a fog. I can’t think straight. Even now they all look blurry and I am struggling to keep my eyes open. The woman with the curly hair is asking me to sit up. My body is in so much pain. Why is it so heavy? Have I gained weight? I look down at my stomach through the top of my gown and my ribs are showing more than they ever have. I look down and my arms look like skeletons. Even my skin is so pale I can see the remainder of any veins I have left. The rivers of blue are faint and thin. No wonder my hands are cold.
Home again; I’m finally going back to school. This is my time. I can’t wait to read and write and see my sorority sisters and teachers and sign up for my classes. You really have a new appreciation for education once you know what it feels like not be allowed to learn. I have a good feeling about this semester.
Back again. What the hell. It’s getting old. I was in school not even a full 24 hours. I had to get carried out of my room by a friend on the baseball team. He looked so scared. I wonder what I looked like.
Every hospital visit is the same. They all last about 5-12 days. I can’t walk. I get stomach spasms, and I feel as though I’m living my life as a broken record. Going over the same three songs. One is sad, one is angry metal music, the other is silence. I see the record spinning, but nothing is playing.
At least I’m back at school. I’m so stressed out. I’m still having trouble getting up and moving around, just like all the other times. There is so much work to be done and I don’t think I can keep it all straight. I’ve had to drop classes so that I can keep up with everything and not get too stressed out, “doctor’s orders,” but I don’t think that’s possible.
This is the sixth time I’ve been in the hospital. I can’t believe I’m missing more school. I better not be in here for long. I have shit to do.
Not another spinal tap.
I can feel the liquid seeping through my back. The back of my head is pounding. I can’t think straight. All I feel is the pain. The nurse gave me morphine 10 minutes ago, but nothing is working.
It’s almost a year to the day that I first came to hospital. Most of the nurses are still here, though I’m not in the same room. I have a roommate this time. The doctors come in and I can tell they are having their doubts. One doctor questions my motives about being in here. If they think it is for pain medication they are clearly mistaken. You try going to school on Oxycodone. Everything is blurry and all you want to do is sleep. I’ll deal with the pain instead, thanks.
I can hear the fireworks over Dorney Park, just like last year, but this time I cannot see them, no one but my mom is with me, and the hallway is silent. The fireworks serve as a friendly reminder that nothing has changed.
Emilie Milcarek
April 19, 2011
Personal Essay
Sitting in a wheelchair in front of a window watching the fireworks over Dorney Park is not how I imagined my Fourth of July.
Some friends of mine stopped by the hospital to say hello, but I really wish they didn’t. They all told me the same thing, “We wish you could come with us.” Yeah, me too. I would love to be sitting on the beach tonight next to a cute guy by a bon fire watching the fireworks above us in Long Beach Island, N.J., but I’m sorry I can’t make it. I’ll be busy with my new friends, the nurses and staff on the night shift.
The only friends who stayed with me that night was my mom and all the stuffed animals I received from my work and my sorority.
On the outside, I didn’t want anyone to stay with me. I wanted them to have a good time. I’m not one to hold anyone back. On the inside I was a mess. I was angry and upset that my friends still went on vacation even though I couldn’t go. How dare they. Yet, that’s not me. What is this feeling coming over me? I’m resentful of everyone. No one else is this position. No one.
It’s an odd feeling not being able to feel my legs, but it’s not so bad now that I’m used to it. When you’ve been in the hospital for almost a week it’s easy to forget why you’re here. I’ve made good friends with the night time staff, mostly because they are always nicer than the day time crew. Even so, all the doctors know my name, and I it might be a while until I can take a real shower.
These medications drain me. I’ve been on them since I got here. They keep trying different ones and only one painkiller works – if you can call it working. It has taken the edge off and has allowed me to sleep, but that is all. I wake up from my Percocet-induced nap and I’m holding my stomach and screaming for help. Why is someone ripping through my insides and pulling them apart. Am I dreaming? I’m alone. No one is touching me.
The nurses finally come in, pull up my sleeve, and open the clear tunnel that leads from the outside right into my vein. I feel the cold liquid flowing through me like a metallic stream. My body gets the chills and I’m no longer screaming. I notice my mom holding my hand, but the look on her face is like none I’ve ever seen. This can’t be good.
My mom told me I’ve received three calls and eight text messages from my friends and family and asks if I want to hear them. I’m OK though. I already know what they say. Not to mention I would rather be able to read them myself and text back with my own hands rather than my mother’s.
I am thankful for my mom. She hasn’t left my side since we’ve been here. I really wish this wasn’t happening. Not for me, but for her. If I was the only person to suffer through this predicament I could deal with it. I could suck it up and deal with it. I hate how it is affecting my mom. Every time she looks at me lying helplessly in this bed she wants to cry. It takes all my energy to make a wisecrack about some crazy nurse just to make her smile.
I’ve been in the hospital for 11 days and I still cannot feel or move my legs. When I try to sit up it is deadweight below the waist. I’m finally thankful for all those years of cheerleading and gymnastics because my arm muscles haven’t dwindled much. My arms and hands gained back feeling a few days ago. My legs have to come back soon.
Being home is harder then I imagined. We moved my room down to the main level with no bed, just a mattress. It is so hard just to get up. This is so frustrating! Why is it so hard for me to take a few simple steps and get myself a glass of water? Every time I need something I have to ask my mom. I know she doesn’t mind, but she has work to do. Living with my handicapped sister is hard enough as it is.
They put me in physical therapy to get me back to where I was. I doubted the idea when I first heard about it, but I went along with it just so I could get out of the house.
Not knowing is probably the hardest part. I wish I knew. Hell, I wish they knew. No one knows why these episodes keep happening to me and, quite frankly, I’m annoyed. They are doctors. That is their job to figure it out. So why can’t they do anything? They just treat the symptoms.
Finally! I’m back where I need to be. I can stretch and move and go up and down stairs! Granted I’m pretty slow, but it’s a step, right? I’ll be back at Wesley College in no time.
I just started working out and now I’m back in the hospital for the second time. This is not OK. Why am I here? I have to get ready for school. I’m leaving in five days!
My mom came into my room only three days after I got back into the hospital. Her effort to hold back the tears wasn’t going so well. As she took a seat next to me I could tell she had bad news. Two more doctors followed after her and then one of my nurses.
They told me I wasn’t going back to school. I needed to be treated and to rest.
I could do that at school, right? I can relax while I’m at school and still get my work done. I want to graduate next year. I want to be around my friends. I can’t just stay home and do nothing. I.... I.... I don’t think I have a choice in the matter.
I left the hospital in a wheelchair seven days after that, but soon returned.
This recurring nightmare is now happening for the third time.
I suppose it’s a good thing, considering I’m supposed to be at school now, but I’m home instead. This hospital seems to be my new home. I’ve already had three of the same nurses I’ve had before and the doctors were expecting me when my mom called the hospital and told them I was having another attack.
That’s what we’re calling it now, an attack. Makes it sound so violent. It sucks, yes, but not violent. Maybe it is. I don’t know what to think any more. The days are blending together and hours pass so slowly. All I do is sleep until the doctors and nurses come and check on me.
Why are there so many people in my room? All of them in white coats looking at me like I’m a puppy in a cardboard box. I’m not as active as I should be. Every person asks me the same questions and gets mad when my mom answers for me. I don’t even know most of the answers.
They have me on so many medications that are flowing through my body so frequently that my head is in a fog. I can’t think straight. Even now they all look blurry and I am struggling to keep my eyes open. The woman with the curly hair is asking me to sit up. My body is in so much pain. Why is it so heavy? Have I gained weight? I look down at my stomach through the top of my gown and my ribs are showing more than they ever have. I look down and my arms look like skeletons. Even my skin is so pale I can see the remainder of any veins I have left. The rivers of blue are faint and thin. No wonder my hands are cold.
Home again; I’m finally going back to school. This is my time. I can’t wait to read and write and see my sorority sisters and teachers and sign up for my classes. You really have a new appreciation for education once you know what it feels like not be allowed to learn. I have a good feeling about this semester.
Back again. What the hell. It’s getting old. I was in school not even a full 24 hours. I had to get carried out of my room by a friend on the baseball team. He looked so scared. I wonder what I looked like.
Every hospital visit is the same. They all last about 5-12 days. I can’t walk. I get stomach spasms, and I feel as though I’m living my life as a broken record. Going over the same three songs. One is sad, one is angry metal music, the other is silence. I see the record spinning, but nothing is playing.
At least I’m back at school. I’m so stressed out. I’m still having trouble getting up and moving around, just like all the other times. There is so much work to be done and I don’t think I can keep it all straight. I’ve had to drop classes so that I can keep up with everything and not get too stressed out, “doctor’s orders,” but I don’t think that’s possible.
This is the sixth time I’ve been in the hospital. I can’t believe I’m missing more school. I better not be in here for long. I have shit to do.
Not another spinal tap.
I can feel the liquid seeping through my back. The back of my head is pounding. I can’t think straight. All I feel is the pain. The nurse gave me morphine 10 minutes ago, but nothing is working.
It’s almost a year to the day that I first came to hospital. Most of the nurses are still here, though I’m not in the same room. I have a roommate this time. The doctors come in and I can tell they are having their doubts. One doctor questions my motives about being in here. If they think it is for pain medication they are clearly mistaken. You try going to school on Oxycodone. Everything is blurry and all you want to do is sleep. I’ll deal with the pain instead, thanks.
I can hear the fireworks over Dorney Park, just like last year, but this time I cannot see them, no one but my mom is with me, and the hallway is silent. The fireworks serve as a friendly reminder that nothing has changed.
Might As Well Be Finals

So, it's the week before finals... but it might as well be finals. I'm so busy, but I'm using this as my five minute break. I've gained 3 pounds due to the fact that I have no time to work out and all I eat is pasta to keep me awake. I'd drink energy drinks and coffee, but once those wear off... boom! Passed out without a prayer.
By the way, if you were wondering... yes. That is Mac and Cheese in a mug. Don't judge. It brings me comfort. There is just something about a handle that makes me feel at ease.
So this is what I have to deal with. Study. Study. Study. I think I did alright on my Sports Communications test... kind of. They always make me so nervous. He even tells us what is on the test, but I am so bad at memorizing. Oh well, I tried right?

And to make my day better, this is what happened this morning when I went to put my jeans on. The worst part? They were already ripped. This means I wore them out to bowling and didn't realize my butt was showing. Sweet!!! Ugh... Well I was with a bunch of guys so it's no wonder no one told me. Good times.... not.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Well Hello Again!
Boy, has it been a while. I'm terribly sorry. I'm glad to have jumped back on the blog-wagon though as I am now trying to promote my photos!
I want to also document my life a little more... Thanks to the iPhone I can absolutely do that.

This has been my dinner about 3 nights a week and I am now obsessed with peace tea.
I don't know if it's just the fact that it tastes SOOO GOOOD or the fact that it matches the peace sign ring i wear on my pointer finger. Either way... I need to spend my money that is on my card because if I don't use it... I don't get my money back.
Thank you Wesley College for taking all those years of training to be a thrifty shopper and throwing them out the window. Now I'm spending out the wazzoo just so i can keep the money?
Though I suppose it works and I should stop complaining... I would just rather have that money in my wallet, instead of my stomach.
tata for now.
I want to also document my life a little more... Thanks to the iPhone I can absolutely do that.
This has been my dinner about 3 nights a week and I am now obsessed with peace tea.
I don't know if it's just the fact that it tastes SOOO GOOOD or the fact that it matches the peace sign ring i wear on my pointer finger. Either way... I need to spend my money that is on my card because if I don't use it... I don't get my money back.
Thank you Wesley College for taking all those years of training to be a thrifty shopper and throwing them out the window. Now I'm spending out the wazzoo just so i can keep the money?
Though I suppose it works and I should stop complaining... I would just rather have that money in my wallet, instead of my stomach.
tata for now.
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